Lifeshare specialises in supporting the 18-25 youth homeless, those at risk of homelessness or exploitation and those with complex needs across the city of Manchester and the 10 surrounding boroughs.
The organisation’s frontline support workers often begin by meeting clients on the streets for outreach work and will build up a rapport with the young people before they come in for regular sessions. Lifeshare’s aim is to work with young people to progress them from homelessness into suitable accommodation and build a fulfilled life.
A spokesperson for Lifeshare, said: “They often struggle maintaining appointments or living on a "9-5" schedule, which is often why the council pathway fails to help them. As part of our Crisis Service, we offer support not just during standard office hours, but evenings and weekends too. We also work with our young people in the community, we often go to them, or if they have missed appointments with us, we go to find them”
Our donation will provide funding for a part-time 1-2-1 support officer, ensuring that more homeless young people get the bespoke support they need.